Make a difference to the future of older people – and enjoy a fascinating experience at the same time.
That’s the invitation from experts at Lancaster University’s Centre for Ageing Research. They are appealing for volunteers aged 55 and older to travel up and take part in their study projects. All your travel expenses will be paid … and the things you say or do could ultimately affect the future of medicine or Government policy. There are no risks to run, no drugs to take, just the enjoyment of sharing your own experiences.
Post-graduate researcher Jess Pepper (pictured) said: “We cover all aspects of life in older people, ranging from housing and Alzheimer’s to how much Covid has increased older people’s isolation and loneliness. “Much of our research focuses on how we can ensure older people experience an active and healthy older age and how we can “compress morbidity” so that periods of poor health start later and our healthy lifespan becomes closer to our actual lifespan.
This will have a significant impact on us all as we age, but also on those who care for us and the costs for our health and social care systems.” Lancaster is internationally respected for the quality of its research into ageing – for instance the university made national and TV headlines when it showed that simple eye-tracking tests might indicate the onset of Alzheimer’s earlier than any other kind of test. One thing that would really help is more volunteers – they are limited to a pool of around 150 and the team of researchers needs many more.
“We want to give as many older people as possible the opportunity to take part,” says Jess. Participants may be asked to do things as diverse as answering a questionnaire, responding to questions, using a treadmill or reading. “Anyone interested will be sent a detailed information sheet so they can read about the study and decide if they want to sign the consent form – everything is done ethically and if you are not happy, you can ignore that particular study,” added Jess.
To learn more, email the centre or on Fridays only ring the phone number 01524 524468
• Links between physical frailty and cognitive frailty in older adults.
• Finding genes that are linked to conditions associated with ageing
• Impact of social isolation during Covid on hearing and memory
• Benefits of exercise, nutrition and mental well-being before cancer surgery.
• Lockdown’s impact on frailty and well-being