Wycliffe Memorial Evangelical Church

It’s a tough world out there at present – and a lot of people are asking questions. “We want to be a church for the community,” says Dave Solt, pastor of the Wycliffe church. “We want to reach out and help people in all walks of life. We will provide a listening ear to what people are going through. “But we also believe people need spiritual help – the Bible has the answers to every situation and you will find those answers here.”

Wycliffe church is returning to normal after Covid’s pressures. Sunday morning services and Thursday coffee morning have resumed, and evening services are re-starting now. Pastor Dave says the church encourages visitors. “When people walk past, we want the church to smile back and for people to feel welcome. We want the Bible’s truths to be the main course, and our worship the garnish leading to the main course.” Wycliffe offers a distinctive traditional Christianity. Sunday morning services are also livestreamed on facebook, and past services can be seen on YouTube.

There is also a Wednesday Bible study on Zoom using Powerpoint presentations. The American minister, 58, who is on the Royal Preston Hospital Chaplaincy team, speaks about the benefits of faith in God from personal experience. As a young man of 20, he felt trapped in a life of alcohol and drugs until a fellow US airman handed him a sermon tape. “I realised my need and that I needed Jesus and I called out to Him and accepted Him into my life. I knew immediately something had happened and my life had changed. I’d been in trouble and now was safe. I want people who are looking for answers in life to come to know Jesus personally, to follow Him and love the Bible.”

His approach is gentle and respectful of others’ opinions. Pop in or ring Dave to know more.





